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db.r6g.16xlarge Pricing

The AWS db.r6g.16xlarge has 64 CPU and 512 GB memory.

Lease Length1 Year
Lease LengthCommitmentHourly
Expected Cost
Asia Pacific (Jakarta)64512 GBOn Demand$0$8.632$75,616
Asia Pacific (Jakarta)64512 GBOn Demand$0$8.162$71,499
Europe (Paris)64512 GBOn Demand$0$8.000$70,080
Europe (Paris)64512 GBOn Demand$0$8.448$74,004
South America (Sao Paulo)64512 GBOn Demand$0$14.201$124,401
South America (Sao Paulo)64512 GBOn Demand$0$14.967$131,111
Middle East (Bahrain)64512 GBOn Demand$0$8.363$73,260
Middle East (Bahrain)64512 GBOn Demand$0$8.863$77,640
AWS GovCloud (US-East)64512 GBOn Demand$0$8.274$72,480
AWS GovCloud (US-East)64512 GBOn Demand$0$8.634$75,634
Canada (Central)64512 GBOn Demand$0$7.446$65,227
Canada (Central)64512 GBOn Demand$0$7.778$68,135
US West (Oregon)64512 GBOn Demand$0$6.874$60,216
US West (Oregon)64512 GBOn Demand$0$7.194$63,019
Middle East (UAE)64512 GBOn Demand$0$8.352$73,164
Middle East (UAE)64512 GBOn Demand$0$8.864$77,649
Europe (Stockholm)64512 GBOn Demand$0$7.395$64,780
Europe (Stockholm)64512 GBOn Demand$0$7.017$61,469
Asia Pacific (Hong Kong)64512 GBOn Demand$0$9.496$83,185
Asia Pacific (Hong Kong)64512 GBOn Demand$0$8.979$78,656
US East (Ohio)64512 GBOn Demand$0$6.874$60,216
US East (Ohio)64512 GBOn Demand$0$7.194$63,019
AWS GovCloud (US-West)64512 GBOn Demand$0$8.274$72,480
AWS GovCloud (US-West)64512 GBOn Demand$0$8.634$75,634
Asia Pacific (Singapore)64512 GBOn Demand$0$8.162$71,499
Asia Pacific (Singapore)64512 GBOn Demand$0$8.632$75,616
US West (N. California)64512 GBOn Demand$0$8.057$70,579
US West (N. California)64512 GBOn Demand$0$7.590$66,488
Europe (Ireland)64512 GBOn Demand$0$7.590$66,488
Europe (Ireland)64512 GBOn Demand$0$8.057$70,579
Other (ap-southeast-4)64512 GBOn Demand$0$8.632$75,616
Other (ap-southeast-4)64512 GBOn Demand$0$8.632$75,616
Asia Pacific (Osaka)64512 GBOn Demand$0$8.147$71,368
Asia Pacific (Osaka)64512 GBOn Demand$0$8.627$75,573
Europe (Spain)64512 GBOn Demand$0$8.064$70,641
Europe (Spain)64512 GBOn Demand$0$8.064$70,641
Europe (Frankfurt)64512 GBOn Demand$0$8.306$72,761
Europe (Frankfurt)64512 GBOn Demand$0$8.776$76,878
US East (N. Virginia)64512 GBOn Demand$0$7.194$63,019
US East (N. Virginia)64512 GBOn Demand$0$6.874$60,216
Europe (Zurich)64512 GBOn Demand$0$9.645$84,490
Europe (Zurich)64512 GBOn Demand$0$9.645$84,490
Africa (Cape Town)64512 GBOn Demand$0$9.581$83,930
Africa (Cape Town)64512 GBOn Demand$0$9.005$78,884
Asia Pacific (Hyderabad)64512 GBOn Demand$0$8.192$71,762
Asia Pacific (Hyderabad)64512 GBOn Demand$0$8.192$71,762
Asia Pacific (Seoul)64512 GBOn Demand$0$8.632$75,616
Asia Pacific (Seoul)64512 GBOn Demand$0$8.162$71,499
Asia Pacific (Sydney)64512 GBOn Demand$0$8.632$75,616
Asia Pacific (Sydney)64512 GBOn Demand$0$8.162$71,499
  • 1
  • 2
  • 50 / page

Instances in the r6g family



db.r6g.large216 GB$1,883
db.r6g.xlarge432 GB$3,767
db.r6g.2xlarge864 GB$7,525
db.r6g.4xlarge16128 GB$15,050
db.r6g.8xlarge32256 GB$30,108
db.r6g.12xlarge48384 GB$45,158
db.r6g.16xlarge64512 GB$60,216

Instances of the 16xlarge size



db.m6g.16xlarge64256 GB$42,609
db.m5d.16xlarge64256 GB$58,736
db.m5.16xlarge64256 GB$49,897
db.m4.16xlarge64256 GB$51,193
db.m6gd.16xlarge64256 GB$52,323
db.m6i.16xlarge64256 GB$47,935
db.m7g.16xlarge64256 GB$47,234
db.r4.16xlarge64488 GB$67,277
db.r5.16xlarge64512 GB$67,277
db.r5d.16xlarge64512 GB$80,093
db.r6i.16xlarge64512 GB$67,277
db.r6g.16xlarge64512 GB$63,019
db.r5b.16xlarge64512 GB$82,975
db.r7g.16xlarge64512 GB$67,014
db.x2idn.16xlarge641024 GBUnavailable
db.x2g.16xlarge641024 GB$91,384
db.x2iedn.16xlarge642048 GB$311,269
db.r6gd.16xlarge64NaN GB$72,086